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Page history last edited by Jennifer Verschoor 10 years, 11 months ago






Comments (7)

Evelyn Izquierdo said

at 2:01 am on Jan 25, 2010

Great job, dear friend, go ahead! Keep on working! You do such a lot of good things that I don't think you can ever end this story. ;-)) I hope you never stop.

Dr. Hala said

at 1:11 pm on Feb 2, 2010

Congrat's on your blog!
You have been doing an amazing job, dear Jenny!
Wish you the best of luck, and even more:-)

Mary Di Mónaco said

at 5:15 pm on Feb 10, 2010

Great job, Jennifer! This will inspire me to create my own eportfolio. Thanks for sharing!

Hanaa said

at 4:27 am on May 17, 2010

Great work Jennifer! I concur... Your work is an inspiration to all of us:) Way to go!

Nina Lyulkun said

at 6:05 am on Jun 18, 2010

Great job, dearest Gen! Love your space very much. Have to learn from you a lot as usual. happy to be here with you and beautiful community.

Lots of love,

Anonymous said

at 10:58 am on Feb 2, 2011

Vance Stevens said

at 10:59 am on Feb 2, 2011

Sorry, that was me (cookie had crumbled)

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